
The Western saddle is a versatile tool for horseback riding, and there are many options available for you to create the look you want. You can choose from traditional leathers and crossties to synthetic materials, so that no matter what event you’re participating in—from trail riding to dressage—you’ll be able to find just the right piece of equipment. Buy a saddle for your horse from Horse Saddle Shop and get a great experience from design to delivery. We stand behind every saddle, and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Saddle Hand Grips

Saddle hand grips are used to help a rider maintain control of a horse. They come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all work the same way. The two main types of grips are leather and synthetic. Leather is more expensive than synthetic, but it’s also stronger and lasts longer if you take care of it properly.

Leather hand grips come in shapes like teardrops or rhomboids (shaped like an upside down triangle), while plastic ones tend to be more uniform in shape—for example, round-shaped pads with no decoration on them at all!

Some saddles even have buckles or rings attached so that you can easily attach your handgrips before mounting up each time you go out into the field!

Saddle Latigos

A latigo is a strap that goes around the horse’s neck. The latigo has a buckle and a keeper that are used to secure the saddle to the horse. The latigo should be adjusted so that it is snug, but not too tight.

The saddle should be adjusted so that it is not too high or too low on the horse’s back. If the saddle is too low, it can cause pressure on a horse’s spine and may cause injury. The saddle should also be in proper position on the horse’s back so it does not slip forward or backward during riding.

The saddle should be placed on the horse’s back so that there is room for two fingers to fit between the top of the withers and the cantle of the saddle. If there is no space for two fingers, then the saddle is too high. The stirrups should also be adjusted so that they are not too long or too short.

Saddle Stirrup Leathers

Saddle stirrup leathers are the straps that hold the stirrups to your saddle. They can be made of different materials, including nylon and polyester (the most common). Leathers come in many colors, each with its own unique texture and look.

If you want to change up how your horse appears on his ride, then this is an opportunity for you! You can choose from a variety of colors or patterns for these parts that will add interest to any outfit he wears.

The leathers are an important part of your saddle. They provide the connection between you and your horse, so they must be comfortable and durable. You also want to make sure that they fit correctly so that they don’t slip off while riding. If you haven’t replaced stirrup leathers in a while, now is a good time to do so. It’s important to have these parts checked regularly for wear and tear so that you can replace them before there is any damage done to them.

Saddle Fenders

Saddle fenders are lightweight, durable and easy to install. They’re designed to protect the horse from rain, wind and snow while riding in the field or on horseback training courses. Many riders choose to use saddle fenders because they provide both comfort and security for their horses—and because they don’t take up much room in their tack bags!

To choose the right saddle fender for your horse, consider its size, shape and material. You can also check out our blog post about how to install a new set of leather reins on all types of horses including Western saddles (including English).

Saddle fenders can be made from a variety of materials, including leather and plastic. They’re usually black or brown in color, but they may also be white or gray. A saddle fender is designed to protect the horse’s back from rain, snow and wind while riding in the field or on horseback training courses.

Saddle Horns

Saddle horns are used to attach a saddle pad, or breast collar. They can also be made of metal, plastic or leather. Metal is the most durable, but it’s also more expensive than other materials.

Saddle horns can be attached directly to the saddle itself with screws or rivets (as shown in this picture), or they may have an adhesive backing and Velcro closure like these:

The most important thing to consider when choosing a saddle fender is the size of your horse. Because they’re designed to fit over the saddle, you need one that will cover both sides of your horse and not slip off during riding. If you have a large draft or warmblood, look for a larger model with flaps that extend down to the ground Saddle horns should be in a position that allows you to easily place your foot into them. They should also be placed at the correct angle so that your horse can comfortably carry weight on its back without straining or hurting itself..

Woolen Pads

Woolen pads are made of wool and are used to protect the horse’s back from the saddle. Woolen pads can be used with any saddle, but they’re especially helpful for horses that don’t have wide backs or heavy muscling on their shoulders, like some breeds of Arabians.

Woolen pads come in different sizes and shapes depending on what type of saddle you want to use them with:

  • Smaller than full riding saddles (like Western saddles) will require smaller woolen pads than larger ones would.
  • If your saddle has a center bar or rail, this may interfere with placement of some types of woolen pads because it will prevent them from lying flat against your horse’s back when mounted up in their normal position on top of those bars/rails at its lowest point over where another part might go if there wasn’t any obstruction between them; however this shouldn’t be much more than just slightly irritating as long as nothing else gets caught up under there either! In fact even though I did mention earlier about using something along those lines like this myself? Well now seems like good time

to address that and talk about it in a little more detail. If you want to use something like this as an alternative to woolen pads or just as an additional option for them to keep things from getting too bulky up there, then I would definitely recommend using some form of leather or vinyl pad instead of anything else (like felt) because they’ll last longer and be more durable.

Western saddle parts and accessories are available in many styles and sizes, so it’s easy to create the look you want.

Western saddles come in a variety of styles and sizes, so it’s easy to create the look you want. With a variety of options available, there is no limit on how much customization you can do with your saddle. There are also many brands that offer western saddle parts and accessories that can be used as replacements or add-ons for existing saddles.

If you’re looking for an old-fashioned look or want to try something new but still keep it traditional, then this section will help guide you through choosing the right style fit for your horse and riding style preferences!

There are many different styles of western saddles available today. The most popular types include the following: -Conventional or English saddle: This style has a tree that is shaped to fit the horse’s back and is used for pleasure riding and trail riding.


We hope you have enjoyed your journey through Western saddle parts in this article. We are sure that you will be able to find something that fits your horse’s needs and personality. If not, try different options until you find one that works for both of your needs! Good luck with your next purchase!

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